A New Way Peer Recovery Center
The Center staff bring their personal experience, recovery, knowledge, and hope to this safe, supportive, and welcoming recovery community. By sharing our ‘lived experience’ with one another, we learn we are so much more than our substance use disorder. It is in our stories that we teach, encourage, and learn the lessons of life. We know that there are many pathways to recovery, and we are here to support one another along the path as we journey towards living a healthy, productive, and fulfilling life.
A New Way Peer Recovery Support Center welcomes all people in recovery from substance use and anyone who has been impacted by a loved one’s substance use. There is no cost to participate in the peer to peer supports, educational resources, social events, recreational activities, and various wellness groups that are offered in the Center.
Who are we?
We are the new face of recovery. We are a community of peers, each with a heart for recovery. Many of us are in recovery. We are also the friends, family members and allies of loved ones who have experienced a substance use disorder. We are here for hope. We are here for change.
Our Core Values
- Keep Recovery First ~ Focus on recovery and supporting one another.
- Cultural Diversity and Inclusion ~ The center honors all paths to recovery and welcomes all people in recovery.
- Participatory Process ~ The recovery community actively develops the culture, activities and focus of the center. The recovery community will develop a strong independent identity to support one another.
- Peers Helping Peers ~ Peer support may include:
- Social
- Emotional
- Information
- Affiliation – a safe place to belong
- Resources
- Leadership Development ~ Provide opportunities for members to take a leadership position.
Community Meeting
Come to our next Community Meeting and have your voice be heard!
Recovery is all about making new choices and creating new relationships. At the Recovery Center, the people who come to the center are significantly involved in the programs, policies, decisions and overall culture. Our logo was designed by a peer and voted on by the community—in fact, even our name A New Way, came from the community!
Community Meetings are held at noon on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month.
Funding Source:
Funded by the Department of Public Health – Bureau of Substance Abuse Services and is proudly hosted by Bay State Community Services.
At the Recovery Center You Will Find…
- Safe Space
- Positive & Encouraging Atmosphere
- Computer Lab
- Library / Meditation Room
- Volunteer Opportunities
- Social Events
- Electric Piano / Acoustic Guitar
- Ping-Pong
- Foosball
- Art Supplies
- Al-Anon
- Bible Study
- Big Book Meeting
- Creative Space
- Double Winners AA / Al-Anon
- Dual Diagnosis Group
- Learn to Cope
- Meditation
- Narcan Training
- NA
- Paint Night
- Recovery Goals Group
- Smart Recovery / Family & Friends
- Stretch / Walking
- Sun Will Rise (grief group)